Nunta in Basarabia » Actorii din Nunta in Basarabia Mon, 31 May 2010 19:48:55 +0000 en hourly 1 O comedie despre diferente culturale. Vlad Logigan e superb Fri, 28 May 2010 21:07:48 +0000 Dan Ratiu One of the smaller pleasures of Cape Winelands feature competition section is a comedy of cultural difference by Napoleon Helmis. Wedding in Besarabia follows Vlad and Vica as they prepare to get married in the bride’s hometown of Chisinau, the capital of Moldova and once part of Romania, until it was annexed by Soviet forces in 1940. The couple have chosen to return there knowing that the tradition of giving the new couple money will help support them in their new life together. However, Vlad’s proudly patriotic Romanian uncle and Vica’s godfather, who appears to be in love with her, appear hell-bent on destroying what should be a happy day.

The wedding-as-hell movie has been done many times before, most brutally in Robert Altman’s A Wedding. Helmis’s film might fall short in terms of satire, but it is an observant, often very funny and occasionally acerbic film. The best scenes take place at the drawn-out reception, where family members attempt to outdo each other in their patriotic claims and almost fanatical devotion to the newlyweds. Vlad Logigan in particular, as the put-upon groom, is superb, as he attempts to keep his head whilst the wedding party loses theirs through alcohol consumption and name-calling.

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Constantin Florescu- Tache despre filmarile de la Chisinau Thu, 27 May 2010 21:42:34 +0000 Dan Ratiu Filmand la Chisinau, am intalnit oameni de care acum mi-e dor . Va salut fratilor si va iubesc! Mergem mai departe! Am vazut privirile spectatorilor basarabeni la cateva proiectii in Romania . Suntem cu totii castigatori . Am invins !

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Biografie Constantin Florescu-Tache Thu, 27 May 2010 17:06:48 +0000 Dan Ratiu S-a nascut pe 11 septembrie 1962 . Roluri importante in filmele : Undeva in est, Le derniere plan, Ingerul necesar, Nunta in Basarabia . A jucat in mai mult de treizeci de filme romanesti sau straine . De asemenea are peste 15 roluri principale in teatru.  A participat la zeci de festivaluri pe aproape toate continentele.  Este cadru didactic in disciplina actorie la universitatea Hyperion.  Joaca rolul titular in spectacolul Papusarul la TES in regia lui Al. Hausvater .

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