Nap Toader, film »

[24 May 2010 | No Comment | 50 views]
Nap Toader- scurta biografie

Nap Toader aka. Napoleon Helmis s-a nascut în Topana, judetul Olt. În 1996 a absolvit Universitatea Nationala de Arta Teatrala si Cinematografica, sectia Arta Regiei de Film si Televiziune.  Din 1997 este asistent universitar la catedra de regie film si tv din UNATC.

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[23 May 2010 | No Comment | 100 views]
Decembrie 2009- Premiul Special al Juriului la Black Nights Tallinn International Film Festival

Festivalul de la Tallinn,
festivitate de premiere:
obtine Premiul Special al Juriului

Conform Mediafax, preşedintele juriului EurAsia, cunoscutul producător rus Alexander Rodniansky, a declarat la gala de premiere a festivalului că Nuntă în Basarabia este un film care transmite un puternic mesaj de toleranţă şi speranţă şi care a ajutat să fie înţeleasă realitatea unei regiuni puţin cunoscute, Basarabia, un univers care celebrează bucuria de a trăi şi omenia.
Filmul a concurat în secţiunea EurAsia alături de pelicule semnate de Bahman Ghobadi – No One Knows About …

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[23 May 2010 | No Comment | 56 views]
Nunta in Basarabia imbina traditia cu modernitatea, experienta personala cu politicul

“Wedding in Bessarabia” juxtaposes the folksiness of tradition with the innovations of modernity, the personal with the political and the increasingly westernized Romania of today with the authoritarian Romania of yesteryear. (The groom’s jaded mother even waxes nostalgic for the Ceausescu period, offering an “at least the trains ran on time” line of argument.) This film, with its memorable personas, its flourishes of MTV-style editing and its happy ending, might hold the greatest appeal for anybody intimidated by the prospect of plunging into a national cinema they didn’t even know …

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[23 May 2010 | No Comment | 58 views]
NUNTA IN BASARABIA este un film de mare calibru care celebreaza umanitatea si bucuria de a trai

WEDDING IN BESSARABIA is a simple film. It’s a very European tale – in the best sense of the word – helping shed light on the relatively obscure history of one region.(…) WEDDING IN BESSARABIA is a high-calibre film that celebrates joie de vivre and humanity and delights artistically at the socio-political complexities.
Kaarel Kuurmaa, Festival Programmer, Black Nights Tallinn International Film Festival

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[23 May 2010 | No Comment | 46 views]

What is most exciting about the film is how it fits into a classic European tradition while also revealing the subtleties of a culture that remains quite obscure.(…) In the midst of political debate, social complexities and economic hardships, what emerges is a portrait of a community that celebrates  joie de vivre and humanity. The film holds on to its optimism while it delights artistically in the socio-political complexities of a region that has known its share of sorrows.
Sandy Mandelberger,